Plant Protection and Good Stewardship of Waterfront Landscaping

Much like the animal life that is protected in Southwestern Florida, there are many protected plant species as well. Plants such as joewood, mangrove trees, Curtis milkweed, and Florida Coontie are all native protected plants that can be found in Lee County. When considering your waterfront landscape design, we can’t disturb any of the protected species or endanger them. The best way to protect native endangered plant life is to practice good stewardship, and we will do so with our design.
Good stewardship can include, but is not limited to:
- Buffering the zone between the shoreline and where your plants are placed
- Using native species of trees shrubs and perennials that won’t be invasive or attract invasive species of pests
- Only using phosphorus-free fertilizers
- Controlling the amounts of erosion and sedimentation caused by your landscape design
- Avoiding over irrigated areas that will affect the natural plant life, wildlife, and water sources
- Keeping waste materials from spilling or spreading throughout the environment
- Designing a space that promotes easy disposal of pet waste
- Night lighting features that avoid attracting wildlife away from its native environment